Mansfield & Ashfield

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Cider and Perry Representative Vacancy

Saturday 28 October 2023

Do you enjoy real cider and perry?

The branch currently needs a Cider and Perry representative. Could you help to promote and campaign for real cider and perry in local pubs and clubs, and help to raise awareness with branch members?

The role involves:

- Encouraging local pubs and clubs to serve real cider and perry.
- Raising awareness, both in the trade and with branch members, of genuine real cider and perry and their usual methods of storage and dispense.
- Researching real cider pubs, cider makers and distributors in our branch area. Encouraging or organising cider-related activities and promotions.
- Involving branch members in selecting the Branch Cider and Perry Pub of the Year. Becoming the branch expert on cider and perry.

The role can take up as much time as you are prepared to give and participation at branch meetings is very useful. It should be possible to arrange a handover/mentoring meeting with the previous holder of this role.

If you feel like you could promote Cider and Perry in our branch or know someone who could, please drop us a message at ku.gro.armac.dleifsnam@riahc or ku.gro.armac.dleifsnam@tcatnochcnarb